Looking for Control, Monitoring and Automation for Agriculture?
AgriNET has a solution for you

"These weather stations and the website analysis provided by AgriNET has transformed our forecast system... The weather stations have also provided significant savings for most growers since fungicide applications can cost between $50 and $100 per acre, and large growers have told me they save $20,000 for each fungicide application that can be avoided." -Seanna L. Annis, Associate Professor of Mycology, Associate Extension Professor School of Biology and Ecology at the University of Maine
"I have been working with the AgriNET team for several years on many projects for our farming operations. Our first project was to customize an automated pumping system using the existing equipment and building a platform from which to stage 5 pumps efficiently and effectively. The system is very reliable and stable, and it has saved us a tremendous amount of time and money, since it allows for remote pump control. We also purchased the AgriNET soil moisture monitoring system for our seed corn operation. The system is real-time and allows us to replace the exact amount of water used by the crop. The payback on water savings is very attractive. Issues and problems are rare, but when they happen, the AgriNET team is exceptional at responding and keeping the systems up and running." -Bob Rupar, Vice President (retired in 2018 after 44 years), Nelson Irrigation Corporation

Some Clients of Note